Russell is a senior at Eagan High School, and like alot of the guys I work with, he wasn’t too thrilled about taking his photos. I really couldn’t blame him, since he and his dad were stuck behind here in MN while the rest of their family went away on an impromptu trip to Aruba for MEA weekend! Yup, I definitely wouldn’t want to be back here taking photos with me vs. vacationing in Aruba. In fact, they were leaving right from this session to catch a plane! Russell was still able to work some of his magic and pull through for some awesome shots. We started out the session with the Eagan Cross Country Team finishing up a practice run out at the park, so several students were asking him, “Are you taking your senior pictures now?? Awwwww! Make sure I get one!” Actually, now that I think about it, most of the girls were the ones making comments. Oh, to be young again! Well, Russell, I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your trip to Aruba. I must say that I was just a little bit jealous.
Finishing up the session with a photo with Dad!
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