That’s the next time this event will occur! Tonight around dusk, if you were lucky enough to have clear skies where you were, the moon, Venus, & Jupiter were all visible with the naked eye. What makes this time so special, is that they were all right next to each other, not in different parts of the sky. To mark this special event, I quick grabbed my camera and snapped some shots! I used my new 50D and my 70-200 f/2.8 IS and got some pretty decent shots. I bumped my ISO all the way up to 3200 and then used Noise Ninja to take out some of the noise. You be the judge, but I thought they turned out pretty good 😉 Granted, I’m not a landscape photographer with a fancy tripod and lenses for landscape photography, but I felt like I made do with what I have. You can find more information on this event here.
Oh, you can’t tell from the pictures, but Jupiter was the brighter, larger one on the bottom and Venus was the one on the top right.
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