Jon & Ann’s wedding was the 2nd wedding of the weekend for me, but it sure was a fun one! They met online about a year and 1/2 ago and instantly fell in love. They knew they were completely meant for each other. Like my Friday wedding clients, Ryan & Natalie, there was no doubt that these two were completely smitten with each other. Jon & Ann really wanted to create a relax and fun atmosphere for their guests. They had their wedding and reception at Bryant Lake Park in Eden Prairie. They were also blessed with some gorgeous weather for the day! Alot of their guests have kids, so entertaining them was also very important to Ann & Jon. Both of them wanted to make sure I got some great shots of the kids in attendance! See below for some of the more unique parts of their day.
The veil that Ann wore was her mother’s from her wedding day!
Here is the price tag, too! That must have been really expensive back in the 1960’s!
Ann sharing her gift to her sister.
Ann’s dress was custom made by someone out East which is where they currently reside. She wanted it to complete the look with the veil & shoes… a 50’s era bride! I think she definitely did a great job of completing the “look.”
I have to confess, since this would be a tragedy to leave out. Jon didn’t want to see Ann prior to her walking down the aisle. I was ready to capture his reaction, however when I saw it, I wasn’t sure if he really reacted to Ann, since it was so adorable. His jaw dropped just for a second or two! I got so caught up in emotion of the moment, that by the time I got my camera focused on him, I just missed it! I didn’t realize I missed it until I went back and looked through the pictures This was the shot just after he brought up his jaw. I guess you’ll just have to imagine his jaw down
They choose to do an Irish Handfasting as part of their ceremony. There were traditional vows that you recite together once your hands are fasted together. The ribbon was made by Ann’s aunt who lost her daughter in a freak, flash flood accident when she was 19. The green ribbons she used were her hair ribbons, so this definitely had special meaning for Ann & her family.
Jon & Ann made mix CD’s for their guests that were compilations of alot of their favorite romantic songs.
The slide was definitely a popular item on the playground. It was much taller than your average slide, hence the attraction
Jon & Ann hired a couple of girls to help watch the kids at the playground, so the parents could have a little bit of a break.
These girls were experimenting with some of the juice, fruit, & cheese (yes… cheese). They spent a better part of the afternoon trying to get various people to try their concoction, including myself. Sadly, I wasn’t feeling up to the challenge.
This kid was so excited about the cake. He never even noticed me photographing him.
Ann & Jon set up a Boggle table for their guests to play. Add another unique part to the day!
Congrats, Jon & Ann! I hope you have a blast in Italy!!!
Laverne Wright says
I love your pictures. I also can see the love and joy that Ann and Jon have with each other. Congrats, you lovebirds:-)
Alaa' Alzubaidy says
Love is great, love is grand,
It follows you across the land.
Rivers, streams and oceans blue,
Cannot part a love that’s true.
Today that love you will prove,
A ring you’ll give and never remove.
A kiss to seal a vow so special,
From lips soft like a rose petal.
A life together long and true,
May happiness always be with you.