I was so excited to meet Eric & Nicole’s little one, who arrived just a week ago. They came to me at the end of May to take some maternity pictures. He was due on the 6th, but decided to hang tight in there for a little while. They named him Eric Jr., EJ for short. The sad part about this session is that this family is moving out east for Eric’s job and probably won’t be moving back to MN any time soon. Normally, when I take a child’s picture, I always hope I can see them again when they are bigger and grown. It was weird to think that I won’t be seeing them again! EJ was a little cranky for the session, however he still gave us some great shots. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment for Nicole, Eric, & little EJ.
This bassinet was special to Nicole, since it was hers when she was a baby!
I was in love with their house and the lighting it offered. Can you believe how perfect this set-up was?? The wall behind them was this color. It actually looked like a backdrop!
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