This was a really fun and unique session. It was the first time I had the opportunity to photograph a baby with her 1st birthday cake! We all thought she was going to dive right in, but she was conservative and stuck with just the fingers… and a few toes 🙂
Jordan missed her morning nap, so she wasn’t as perky as all of us would have hoped. We did end up with some really great images of her in my silver basin that I just picked up. We sat her down in the grass outside of my studio, and she loved being outside. We tried the same thing inside, and it wasn’t the same response. Miraculously, we managed to get a great shot of her smiling. Finally, we had the cake! Oooo… what fun was the cake for all of us, including the person behind the lens. I hope that Jordan had a great 1st birthday and a wonderful trip to the zoo!
Her mom was throwing her up in the air to try and cheer her up before a shot. Little did she know that this was indeed a fantastic opportunity to catch little Jordan at her best.
As her Grandmother said, “She looks like she is taking a pink, bubble bath!”
Mmmmmm… cake!
My favorite cake shot of them all (well, so far 🙂 )!
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