It was a crisp and gorgeous fall afternoon at Lebanon Hills Regional Park for my last outdoor mini-sessions of the year. I had a blast working with all of the families! First up is a previous wedding client of mine, Dominic and Josh with their 6-month-old, Gehrig!
Next is Logan, who just turned 1 year! I remember doing maternity photos for his parents a year ago. Wow, how time flies!
I don’t think he liked the feel of the bark on the tree.
Little Addison was my next subject. What a cutie full of personality! She was full of smiles, until I went behind the camera.
Lily and Wyatt where up next! Last time I worked with these two adorable siblings was May. During that session, Lily turn her turn in not wanting to cooperate. For this session, Wyatt sure gave us a run for our money!
Our little secret with this shot is that Wyatt wasn’t very happy about his mom putting him down. Actually, he was pretty upset. Thank goodness we took the shot from behind.
Yup, this about sums up the whole session, right Tricia??
We got a winner with Smarties! Finally!
My last session of the night was Rowan, who is also nearing his 1-year birthday. I last saw him and his family when he was 6 months old. Rowan was probably one of the happiest babies I have seen! All you had to do was laugh, and he would crack up.
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