I’m way behind on blogging, so I’ll make this quick. Drew came into the studio on Saturday morning for a quick photoshoot with his parents. I couldn’t believe how hot it was outside! They came dressed for fall, and we were all sweating from the heat. Exactly a year ago on this same weekend, I was calling my clients for my fall mini-sessions attempting to figure out a game plan, since it was 35 degrees with snow on the ground. It was really hard to imagine snow while we were in the heat. I think it was close to 70 and it was only 10:30 in the morning! Drew was a cutie with the bluest eyes, and was a little shy. I had a few tricks up my sleeve, however Dad takes the cake with his way of making him laugh. You know, I don’t think I could accurately describe it here in words, but it sure worked!
All kids like a good game of peek-a-boo.
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