Let the games begin! Over the next 2 months, I will be extremely busy and trying to keep my head above water. It certainly helps to have my oldest be starting pre-school next week, which will free up 5 hours of time for me during the week. Let’s see how much that really helps in finding time to edit my photos.
On to little Cole… what a cutie! If you remember his newborn session, he was the one with the crazy hair that stood up straight! It’s still kind of crazy, but it seems to be curling a little bit now that it’s longer. I was able to try out another one of my fun & new backgrounds with him, and I would say it worked out great! My new favorite ones are the black & white ones and now this green one. We were also able to prop him up in both the Bumbo chair and in my bucket. He loved the Bumbo, but he was a little harder to cheer up in the bucket. One final item that is being unveiled today is my bassinet. It’s quite large and plan to use it for infants up to 6 months or so. I guess once they are able to topple out of it, then they are too old for it. Cole did great during his photos in there. In fact, I think he was rather comfy for a while!
He must be teething, because those fingers were in his mouth probably 75% of the time!
Isn’t this just the cutest picture?? I happened to catch his little hand right there at his chin.
Yup… all done with the bucket.
Yup… all done with the session.
Mike Boldt says
I still can’t get over this guy’s hair! Awesome!