Charlie & Jill ended up with a gorgeous day for their wedding last Saturday. They met a few years ago when they were both teachers at Coon Rapids High School. Now, Jill is an English teacher at another high school, while Charlie resides at 3M. He also loves to coach high school football. We started out the day at the Mississippi Dunes Golf Course in Cottage Grove for some formal pictures and then headed out to Rose of Sharon Church, also in Cottage Grove. For me, the day was filled with lots of fun and interesting things. One of which was watching a couple of college friends ride by on a golf cart during formal pictures. The 2nd one was running into an old basketball coach of mine from high school, who knew the groom through coaching high school football with him! It was definitely a random moment day for me. Despite those fun moments, Charlie & Jill definitely planned this day around their family and friends by making sure everyone was going to enjoy themselves. I had such a great day with all of them and wish them the best!
They were applying some glitter powder from Victoria’s Secret. Her sister was really enjoying blowing the excess glitter dust away.
The little flower girl lost it during formal pictures. She wanted to climb up the hill, but of course her mom wanted her to stay and take pictures. She wasn’t too fond of that idea. Eventually we got her to cooperate
I’m sure alot of you have seen this at weddings, but their unity candle didn’t light. Jill thought it was quite humorous.
Charlie & Jill went on a little pre-honeymoon to Europe (!) in March. They had a few of their souvenirs on display at the reception.
I’m pretty sure that this bridesmaid was talking about me and how annoying I am No really, I have no clue what or who they were talking about, but it was a fun moment to catch!
I believe this was the Electric Slide….
And this was the Cha Cha Slide.
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