This was an especially fun, yet long, weekend for me. I had the pleasure of shooting Bonnie & AJ’s wedding in Duluth, MN on a gorgeous day! I am actually good friends with the groom’s sister (roomies in college!), so that is how I got this referral way up in Duluth. Bonnie & AJ originally met on a Catholic Online dating site, however that isn’t what they told most of their family and friends. They thought it would be fun to give them a different version of their first meeting. To make a long story short, it involved a rest stop in Forest Lake, a vending machine at that rest stop, change for a dollar for that vending machine, and a phone number written on that dollar. Surprisingly, when the matron of honor got up to tell people the real way they met, there were still a considerable amount of people in the room who still thought that was the true story!
We started out at Holy Catholic Family Church for the traditional Catholic ceremony then we headed around Duluth in their Hummer limo for some fun and more pictures. We ended the evening at the Radisson in downtown Duluth. Here are the highlights from their wedding day.
I thought this was a cute picture of this little guy exploring the pews during pictures!
Bonnie was a little nervous prior to the ceremony.
They were so serious going down the aisle! They had a job to do!
This picture speaks for itself. Needless to say, they choose not to see each other prior to the ceremony.
There was gorgeous lighting coming in through the stained glass during their ceremony.
Ah, I love unity candle troubles. They seem to happen more often than not!
They eventually just had to give up
We snagged a quick picture by the stained glass before….
…hopping into their limo!
We took the limo over to Leif Erickson Rose Garden along Canal Park and got some gorgeous pictures there!
My favorite picture of them! It’s a little abstract, but I love the size & shape of their shadows caused by the sun.
Just in case you were wondering, I was hanging out of the window to get this picture. It actually wasn’t as hard as it sounds!
And, here we are at the first dance at the Radisson.
Finally, here comes the barrage of dancing pictures. These people sure knew how to have fun!
Guess what dance this is?? I’ll give you a hint: “You put your head in…”
More hokey pokey!
“It’s Electric!”
I had no idea what this dance was, but it looked fun!
“You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal, you can do whatever you feeeeeeeeeeel. Young men! Are you list’n to me?”
Believe it or not, this was during the dollar dance.
Whew! I think this is the last one I’m going to blog. Congrats, Bonnie & AJ on your wedding day! I hope you have fun on your honeymoon in Maui!!!
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