I intended on having these posted on Saturday night, but that didn’t happen. It was my son, Nicholas’ 4th birthday party, so I was completely wiped by the end of the night. Sundays are family days away from my computer, soooooooo, here I am on Monday morning posting photos from my beach mini-sessions on Friday morning!
Aside from the fact that I had to get up WAY too early, it was an amazing morning full of great sessions. The lighting was perfect, and it helped that we got a little help from the passing cloud, as well as a tree placed perfectly as the sun rose in the air. My first session was with sweet Katie & Anna, two adorable sisters dressed and ready to go for photos. We started with them at 7:00, but that didn’t stop them from looking beautiful and having fun! Anna fell into the lake about 5 minutes into our session, and much to my delight, she wasn’t miserable the rest of the session. In fact, she had a blast playing in the water! Katie was alot more cautious, but she eventually got a little wet. I adore the backlit photos we got at the end of the session of her. So gorgeous!
Finally got Katie in the water, although I don’t think she was as happy about it as Anna was.
Next up was 9-month-old Lydia, whom I’ve worked with several times before. She is such a beauty and always yields great photos. This session she wasn’t very happy about alot of things, which can happen at this age, however she was happy long enough to get some great shots!
She was both fascinated with the sand and unhappy about sitting in it!
Now, it’s Beckett’s turn. This crazy boy didn’t waste any time getting wet, as you will soon see. Mr. Beckett is at that pivotal age of 18 months were it is very difficult to get your subject to sit in one place. Yet, I love this age for one reason: you never know what the child will give you! Beckett sure gave us alot!!
I love that I was ready for this!
Since he was sopping wet, we let him play around in just his diaper.
Drew & Ryan were my next session after Beckett. This is the third year I’ve worked with these boys, and it’s been a blast watching them grow. It’s also bittersweet, because I see them for just the session, and then it’s another year! Ah well… at least I got to enjoy them for a little while on Friday. Their mom came prepared and brought them in their bathing suits ready to get wet. After they were able to play around in their suits, we got their shirts back on, found some shade (the sun was getting high and hot at that time) and got some nice portraits of them.
I love boys. I was attempting to make them laugh by making silly faces and sounds, and they decided to imitate me!
Hunter was my very last session of the morning. The sun was starting to get a little high, so we set up an umbrella that I brought to provide a little more shade for portraits on the beach. 6-month-old Hunter was such a cutie full of smiles and fun expressions! We were also able to get some great family photos with mom & dad when a big cloud passed by. He got a little cranky at the end, which is to be expected when you are a baby and all you want is to eat and sleep! Didn’t stop us from getting some cute photos at the end.
One last one with mom…I love this shot!
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