I love photographing babies, especially cute, photogenic ones like little Reagan. She was such a trooper! For only being 3 months old, changing outfits a few times and a quick session, she did fantastic. I was very excited about the shots we got. I mostly liked the tutu that her mom put her in. She told me that when they found out they were having a girl, she knew right away that she needed to find a tutu. It turned out to be harder than she thought! Well, she was finally able to track one down in Blaine. I don’t blame her for making the trek out there for this article of clothing. It was adorable on her! Anyway, take a look at the ones from the session (I had a really hard time choosing!) and feel free to leave a comment for me or baby Reagan & family!
Look at that face!
Ooooo… she outdid herself!
I adored these shots with the tutu. We used the tulle that I have in my studio, laid her in it with the tutu, and these are the results. I love them in color AND black & white!
Oh, and we couldn’t miss the shot of the bow in the back
Mom picked her up after I thought the shooting was complete, but then I noticed that Reagan was really happy and smiling at the camera! Thank goodness I was quick on my feet to capture this moment.
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